

Snake Spirit When online celebrity and Mario Change Little Red Riding Hood, Mix and Match Comics to "Ruin" Childhood.

  Cucurbita pepo fires fire and cupps grandpa, and snake essence is busy broadcasting live. When online celebrity and Mario are taken away by the wolf as Little Red Riding Hood … … The animated characters of childhood have crossed, mixed and blended with modern elements, and turned into a series of new cartoons to brush up the circle of friends. After 80 s and 90 s, they called "ruining childhood", but they couldn’t help laughing. The creator Du Ke is an advertising designer, and he still hopes to record his childhood in such a special way. Du Ke said that since last week, after his works were turned into a fire by the Internet, he was overwhelmed by the business cooperation that followed. He was encouraged to be recognized by so many people, but he would not lose his mind and forget his original intention.

  Pick up the brush after 12 years of work.

  Last week, the circle of friends after 80s and 90s was screened by a series of cartoons that "ruined childhood", and the cartoon images in childhood memories were vividly moved into modern life, and they were mixed on the paper. The author’s mind is wide open, and his works look humorous and interesting, but they make many people who have passed their thirties laugh with tears.

  The Beijing Morning Post reporter contacted the author Du Ke. At the age of 34, he worked in a well-known American advertising company, and all his online works were created in his spare time. "I am very busy at work, and I will work overtime endlessly when I meet urgent tasks. In order to decompress, I thought of painting. " He said.

  Du Ke liked painting since he was a child, but he didn’t begin to receive professional training until he graduated from primary school. It took only half a summer vacation, and some Du Ke with artistic talent was admitted to the High School Attached to the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts. Since then, Du Ke has been admitted to Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts after six years of study in cultural and professional courses.

  "At that time, my understanding of studying art was to be a painter or illustrator in the future. I felt that my work could not be separated from brushes." By mistake, after graduating from college in 2005, Du Ke worked in a number of domestic and foreign companies, always focusing on the advertising industry. Busy work and endless overtime, Du Ke found that his career was far from his original ideal.

  But how to find a balance between real life and dreams has become a problem he often thinks about. I think I have to find my past dream for myself and let it decompress my present life. Since 2015, there have been two more things on his desk, a large tin candy box filled with watercolor pens and a thick painting book.

  Creativity is a "flash of light"

  In a room of more than 10 square meters, there are almost two display cabinets tailored for his "collection". Plastic tumbler doll, cat shower, retro alarm clock, tin car … … Some of them are playmates that Du Kezhen has been hiding for more than 20 years, and some of them are "treasures" that he scoured back from the flea market in recent years. If it weren’t for the computer on the computer desk, standing in Du Ke’s room, the reporter would feel trance-like when he was a child.

  "I’m a nostalgic person," said Du Ke, who likes painting and is engaged in advertising creative work. He simply opened his mind and had the idea of combining classic images with current life. "What kind of story would happen if the cartoon characters who accompanied us in childhood grew up and were around us?"

  Du Ke picked up the album and told the reporter, "Every idea in it comes by accident, which can be said to be ‘ An epiphany ’ There is no preparation. For example, this dialogue between Spongebob and frozen tofu is that I think it is too like Spongebob when I eat frozen tofu one day. What will it look like if I put these unrelated things together? For example, in the gourd doll, the centipede looks at the red envelope in the Spring Festival Evening, which is also a brainwave during the New Year. It can hold many mobile phones with both hands and feet. This picture is funny. "

  Although he had an idea, Du Ke couldn’t sit down and write at any time. In most cases, he quickly wrote a rough outline on his mobile phone and then took time to draw. "It takes five or six hours for each painting to draw lines with a pencil and finally paint with a watercolor pen, so he often stays up late and doesn’t care about eating." However, Du Ke said that even so, he was still very happy, especially after signing his name at the end of the work, his sense of accomplishment was bursting.

  Reject all business cooperation

  From June 22, the network became popular, which made Du Ke unexpected. Du Ke said that at first, several online celebrity ships in Weibo forwarded their works. On June 21st, Weibo, the official of Shanghai Animation Film Studio, forwarded a gourd doll’s cupping work for grandpa, and its influence was further expanded.

  "On the same day, an editor of WeChat WeChat official account contacted me and wanted to reprint it. I agreed, but I didn’t expect the other party to tell me that the content had more than 100,000 hits that night. As of the evening of June 24, the number of hits has exceeded 2 million, and they are also very surprised. " Du Ke said that as his works were widely forwarded, his Weibo and WeChat WeChat official account also exploded with tens of thousands of fans overnight, and about a quarter of the messages were asking when he could publish his works.

  "I am particularly touched, not because of the ‘ Red ’ Instead, many people have found resonance in my works and are even willing to share their memories with me. "

  Among the many messages, many people came to seek business cooperation, and Du Ke refused them one by one. "It’s still the same idea. The original intention of my painting is to do what I like freely. At present, I have painted more than 60 paintings. When this book is full, I hope to publish a book. This is my dream. "

  ■ Reporter’s Notes

  We don’t run away, but we miss it after all

  From bidding farewell to the small commodity market to the return of "bag drenching", from fried kebabs in Daoxiang village to paying tribute to the old TV series Dream of Red Mansions and Journey to the West, in recent years, the "post-80 s" generation seems to suddenly become old-fashioned, with nostalgia prevailing and falling into collective memories. Although Du Ke’s cartoon is called "Subversion of Childhood Memories", its essence is still a deep nostalgia for the past years, only a funny stalk is changed, which makes those "old" cartoon characters catch up with the present years.

  In the interview, Du Ke’s words left a deep impression on me, "It is escapism to be afraid of nostalgia". Du Ke, who has passed his thirties, misses the pure happiness and knows that he has a mortgage in his reality. Although he can’t ignore his willful pursuit of dreams, it doesn’t prevent him from picking up a brush to circle a "private plot" and creating his own utopia. This is not a "surrender" in the face of trivial life, but a "principled compromise". Naughty cartoonists have childlike innocence and initial heart that can’t be erased by years.

  The "post-80s" have a distinct brand of the times and a unique growth track. As this generation has basically passed the "standing", its responsibilities are getting heavier and heavier, and the heart of that "child" is still looking back. Thanks to Dukes, we keep the silhouette of youth with creativity. We don’t dwell on the past, but we miss it after all.

  Beijing Morning Post live news reporter Zhang Jingshu and photo


Is the mobile phone a "multiplier" or a "jammer" for children’s growth?

After 00 and 10, they seem to face two "parallel worlds" since they became sensible — — Virtual world and real world. To some extent, they have two sets of "ways of living" and even two "social support systems".

  Under such circumstances, banning their contact with mobile phones and depriving one world may not make another world better. This also means that parents’ management of their children’s mobile phones is not simply to isolate their children from their mobile phones, but to help them better survive in the "parallel world" and add value to their lives.

  Video games and social software firmly attract children’s attention, and even many parents think that mobile phones are the "root of all evils" that affect children’s studies.

  Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Education has issued documents, clearly requiring five management in primary and secondary schools, namely, mobile phone management, sleep management, extracurricular reading management, homework management and physical health management. Before the start of school in autumn, the State Press and Publication Administration issued a document to strictly regulate the time when online game enterprises provide online game services to minors.

  Under such circumstances, do parents still need to control the time and scope of use of teenagers’ mobile phones? The answer is yes.

  Under the rude ban, children are more likely to indulge in the internet.

  If mobile phones are completely banned, can we go back to the era of rolling iron rings and playing glass balls?

  The answer is probably impossible. Today, the mobile phone is not only a communication tool, but also a "leisure tool" with the update of the times. Not to mention that children love to play, many parents take their mobile phones and it is difficult to put them down. Whether children or parents, the first thing they need is to think calmly about what kind of existence mobile phones and online games are; How should we deal with this mode of existence and achieve a better life for ourselves?

  What exactly is a mobile phone? Mobile phone is a bridge of interpersonal communication, which makes the world smaller and our life circle bigger. Mobile phones are also a tool to transform the world, and many traditional industries have been reshaped online; Including online education, has also entered the study and life of minors.

  According to the "Research Report on the Internet Use of Minors in China in 2020" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the China Internet Information Center, 11.5% of minors spend more than 2 hours online every day on weekdays, and 12.2% spend more than 5 hours online every day on holidays; Among these underage netizens, 62.5% often play games online, and more than half play mobile games.

  It can be said that the mobile phone seems to be the entrance to a "parallel world". When you open the mobile phone, there are surprises and temptations. Some people are "hunting" and "growing vegetables" in it, and some people are lost in it. Both parents and children must learn to survive in this world. Don’t be afraid of strangeness, don’t shrink back from challenges, don’t be lost by temptation, and don’t be disqualified by ignorance.

  But the reality is that the survey shows that 10% of parents don’t let their children play mobile phones at all, and even when their children surf the Internet, such parents are nervous. There are 60% children who check the information online normally, and they have been mistaken by their parents for playing games.

  However, many parents talk about the wrong of mobile phones and games, but they can’t let go of their mobile phones. Their preaching is often difficult to convince children. At the same time, the study found that compared with children who are not addicted to the internet, the proportion of parents who surf the internet frequently is 16% higher, and the proportion of parents who don’t communicate with each other and play separately is 10% higher.

  Research from China Youth Research Center shows that children are more likely to indulge in the internet in families that rudely prohibit their children from surfing the internet.

  Those children who are academically gifted are not completely free from playing mobile phones and games.

  Many parents think that after children are separated from mobile phones and games, the "extra" time will be spent on learning. After all, time is constant. If you don’t spend it on mobile phones or games, you will spend it on learning. Is it true?/You don’t say.

  In fact, because learning efficiency is related to learning time and effect, the longer the learning time, the lower the learning efficiency without obvious improvement in learning effect.

  To make matters worse, the inefficient learning mode will only bring children a low sense of self-efficacy, and they will become less and less fond of learning, even tired of learning and refuse to learn.

  Whether you study, use your mobile phone or play games, in the final analysis, it is to let your children grow up and make them more knowledgeable, capable and valuable.

  No matter whether the child goes online or plays games, when he becomes better and better, it means that parents should let go moderately and don’t dwell on details such as his study time; If the child becomes worse and worse, then parents should pay attention to his state. In our investigation, we found that those children with excellent academic performance are not students who don’t play mobile phones and games at all. From many dimensions, we can see that their lives are complete and their vitality is high.

  Parents’ intelligent management of their children’s mobile phones does not mean that children and mobile phones are completely isolated. Mobile phone management is not a means to control children, nor a tool to reward and punish children, nor is it a way for parents to vent their emotions. Managing mobile phones is to improve the parent-child relationship, not break it.

  Let children learn self-discipline, not heteronomy.

  How to survive better in both virtual and parallel worlds? This requires parents and children to face together and explore together through agreement. Parents should be well-founded and avoid unilaterally adjusting their children’s rules of using mobile phones based on their own subjective wishes. Some parents said that it is not that children are not allowed to play mobile phones, but it is stipulated that they can only play for 30 minutes every day. Then why 30 minutes?

  In the eyes of experts, children under 3 years old should not touch mobile phones and video games. They should climb, run, play with mud, play house, touch and feel the world with their bodies, instead of raising children on the screen.

  At the age of 3-6, children can watch cartoons, science and education films, play interactive games and learn to sing and dance, but it is best not to spend more than one hour every day, and they should play with adults or children in the rest of the time.

  At the age of 7-9, children can use their mobile phones to complete daily tasks, look up information in online courses, and interact in a circle of friends. However, these activities should be carried out under the supervision of parents, monitoring, guiding and managing the online content, interactive objects and overall time.

  Children aged 10-12 can have personal privacy. Parents don’t have to supervise everything. They should grasp the overall direction, control the overall time, solve the problems they encounter, often communicate with their children about their online experience, and improve the online rules through mutual negotiation and interaction.

  Children aged 13-18 should independently manage their own mobile phones and time, incorporate mobile phone management into their master plan of life, study and communication, constantly adjust and improve their mobile phone management level, and make mobile phones a "multiplier" rather than a "jammer" for their own life growth. In this process, the relationship between parents and children should be cooperative rather than antagonistic, and parents should gradually give their children the initiative in mobile phone management. In the whole process, maintaining a good parent-child relationship has always been the first magic weapon to give children the ability to manage their mobile phones.

  Managing mobile phones is to let children learn self-discipline rather than heteronomy. Parents always let go and children always grow up. One day, children will use and manage their mobile phones and play games online completely independently. Theoretically, the earlier parents let their children learn the autonomous management of mobile phones and games when they enter adolescence, the less likely their children are to become addicted to mobile phones or games, and the lower the probability of parent-child conflicts.

  Never choose "screen parenting" because you are afraid of trouble.

  The essence of mobile phone management, like emotional management, network management, wealth management and time management, is a part of life management, so mobile phone management for children should start from an early age.

  First of all, parents can’t "screen parenting" when their children are young because they are afraid of trouble.

  Children’s best playmates are parents. Many parents give their children a mobile phone when they are young, so that they can calm down and play by themselves. When children develop the habit of playing with electronic products such as mobile phones through this "screen parenting" method, or find fun in it, parents often upgrade "screen parenting" to a way to control their children. If you are satisfied with your child’s performance, reward him to play with his mobile phone for a long time. If you are not satisfied, deprive him of the right to play with his mobile phone. Over time, in children’s minds, playing mobile phones and playing games is happy, and the occurrence of this happiness is irregular. Only when parents are in a good mood can they play as long as they can.

  When the child enters rebellious adolescence in this way, he will think, why can I play casually when I was a child, but I can’t play now? Why can’t adults just play and I can’t? Why can’t I play when other children can decide for themselves?

  At this time, it is easy for parents to enter the parent-child war if they want to take care of their children’s mobile phone use. This is why parents should manage their children’s mobile phones early, slowly and flexibly, not late, quickly and rigidly.

  Secondly, parents should help their children to start a variety of happy modes. Some children have no playmates, no leisure activities, and can only stay at home alone after studying, and there is no one to communicate with, and they also lack independent activities at home. At this time, mobile phones and online games are the fastest thing for them to get started, the most timely positive feedback, and the easiest thing to put into their emotions. When they turn on their mobile phones, they can escape from reality and forget their unhappiness.

  For such children, we should help them reduce their study pressure, reduce their rankings, reduce their homework, improve the parent-child relationship and teacher-student relationship, increase exercise, increase classmate interaction, increase extracurricular reading, give play to their hobbies and specialties, let them get in touch with nature and engage in social service activities, and rescue them from mobile phone addiction.

  At the same time, we must help children build a circle of friends. From the middle and senior grades of primary school, the influence of peers began to surpass that of parents and teachers. In junior high school, peer influence becomes the "first influence", and developing peer relationship is one of the most important life tasks for adolescents. At this time, it is a critical period to help children build their own circle of friends, develop friendship and find their own social support system. Therefore, parents should provide more time, space, financial support, guidance and protection for their children’s socialization. With social circles such as painting circle, technology circle, performance circle and sports circle, children will not be lonely and depressed, nor will they just play mobile phones in their lives.

  At this time, parents should retreat appropriately, don’t snoop and monitor, and let go appropriately to let their children grow up in the group. Otherwise, parents with high sense of control will encounter children who pursue high autonomy, and parent-child conflicts will be inevitable.

  Facing adolescent children, parents should learn to "quit" appropriately.

  The research shows that once a conflict occurs, the worse the parent-child relationship, the higher the proportion of children addicted to the Internet, and the higher the proportion of playing games and brushing videos. Therefore, in the face of adolescent children, parents should learn to "quit" appropriately, leaving enough room for their children to be independent.

  Let children manage their own time bank. Nowadays, many parents are keeping an eye on the time when their children play mobile phones. As a result, the more they stare, the more they can’t stare, and conflicts occur. In fact, mobile phone management is a problem that children must face in this life. If they can’t control it when they are young, they can’t control it when they are older. In fact, many of us adults and even the elderly are no better than children in cell phone addiction.

  The author’s suggestion here is: When children go to middle school, they should learn to manage their mobile phone use. If parents are not at ease, they can set up a mobile phone use time bank for their children. Parents and children agree on the total time of playing mobile phones every week. Within the total time range, children can choose when to play or how long to play each time. If the total time runs out this week, parents can confiscate their mobile phones in the remaining days. If it is overtime or has special needs, with the consent of parents, it can be borrowed in advance from the total time next week, but the time interest should be paid at 1: 1.5 or 1: 2 times. If you have a balance this week, you can automatically transfer it to next week or redeem the prizes your child wants. In short, it is necessary to gradually shift the parental management mode of mobile phones to the self-management mode of children.

  With the era of cloud storage, big data, 5G Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and mobile terminals coming to us, no one can stop it, and everyone must open their arms to meet the changes. For parents, this requires courage and wisdom. It is not feasible to rely on blocking. It is better to equip the children’s body and mind first and let them be "Peter Pan" who embraces the new era.

  (He Lingfeng is a professor at Shanghai Institute of Physical Education and a member of the Steering Committee of College Psychology Teaching of the Ministry of Education.)


The new rules are coming! The two departments issued opinions to encourage the development of shared cars.

  CCTV News:The Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development have issued new regulations to encourage the use of new energy vehicles to carry out time-sharing and encourage time-sharing operators to adopt credit model instead of deposit management.

  The Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of Minibus Rental formulated by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development was officially promulgated today. The Guiding Opinions includes 5 parts and 13 articles, including general requirements, laying a solid foundation for safety management, improving service capacity, encouraging time-sharing development and creating a good development environment.

  It is understood that from June 1 to 14, the Ministry of Communications publicly solicited opinions on the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Car Rental Industry. According to the suggestions, the Guiding Opinions were revised and improved: the scope of application was limited to the lease of minibuses; Enriched the relevant requirements of anti-terrorism prevention and added the contents of "maintaining public safety"; At the same time, the new format of time-sharing lease is standardized and managed.

  What is a minibus??

  Minibus refers to a minibus with seven seats or less. The "Guiding Opinions" clearlySmall minibus leaseIt refers to the operation mode that the minibus leasing operator delivers the minibus to the lessee for use within the agreed time, collects the leasing fee and does not provide driving services.

  According to the Ministry of Communications, there are currently more than 6,300 car rental operators in China.The total number of leased vehicles is about 200,000.The market scale is growing at an annual rate of about 20%. but92.7% of car rental enterprises in China own less than 50 vehicles.It is difficult to implement network operation and form economies of scale.

  In addition to insufficient service capacity,At present, there are no new laws and regulations for the car rental industry at the national level.. At the local level, only four provinces (cities) such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing and Shanxi have issued special local regulations on car rental, while another 21 provinces only involve one or two principled provisions in the Road Transport Regulations and other relevant local regulations, while six provinces such as Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Hainan and Qinghai have not yet issued laws and regulations on car rental.

  For the sake of vehicle insurance, scrapping and second-hand salvage value,At present, about 95% vehicles in the car rental market are registered as non-operating vehicles.As a result, it is difficult to guarantee the safety of vehicles, and users cannot get insurance compensation in case of traffic accidents.

  In order to ensure the safety performance of leased vehicles and the legitimate rights and interests of users, the Guiding Opinions put forward requirements such as standardizing the management of leased vehicles and implementing the inspection system in real-name registration system. Rental vehicles shall be in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and technical standards.Go to the public security organ for registration., and in accordance with relevant regulations, carry out safety technical inspection, environmental inspection and scrapping of vehicles. Insure compulsory insurance and third party liability insurance according to the insurance rate corresponding to the registered nature of use.

  To implement the identification system, minibus rental operators should have the facilities and equipment needed for identification and check the valid documents provided by the lessee.

  Highlights of the new regulations ②: Encourage time-sharing of new energy vehicles.

  In order to encourage the development of the new format of time-sharing lease, the Guiding Opinions proposes to consider the characteristics of time-sharing lease in non-intensive travel, reasonably determine the positioning of time-sharing lease in the urban comprehensive transportation system, and study and establish a vehicle delivery mechanism that is suitable for public travel needs, urban road resources and parking resources.

  Time-sharing operators should improve their online and offline service capabilities, strengthen the intelligent organization and deployment of vehicles, and ensure the good safety of vehicles through daily inspections and self-inspection of vehicles by operators. Operators should adopt safe and compliant payment and settlement services to ensure the safety of users’ deposits and funds, and encourage the use of credit mode instead of deposit management.

  This paper puts forward some support policies, such as encouraging public parking lots in crowded areas to provide convenience for parking time-sharing vehicles and exploring on-street parking concessions in cities. Encourage the use of new energy vehicles to carry out time-sharing leasing.

  Highlights of new regulations ③: Promote the construction of parking spots in densely populated areas.

  In order to improve the service ability of the industry, the Guiding Opinions put forward specific requirements from the aspects of infrastructure planning and construction and daily operation and management of operators. According to the local economic and social development and residents’ travel needs, it is required to formulate a development plan for minibus rental, and incorporate it into the comprehensive transportation system planning and urban comprehensive transportation system planning, strengthen the transfer connection between minibus rental and different modes of transportation, and promote the construction of transportation hub business outlets such as airports, railway stations, bus stations and ports, as well as parking stations in densely populated areas.

  Encourage operators to use new technologies and new means to strengthen daily management and improve the convenience of car rental. Operators should improve network security protection measures and collect, store, use and protect personal information in compliance with laws and regulations. Strengthen the linkage between upstream and downstream industries and related industries, and promote the scale, networking and brand development of the industry.

  List of other highlights

  In addition, in order to further create a good development environment for the industry, the Guiding Opinions also put forward the requirements of accelerating the construction of system standards and promoting the resolution of outstanding problems such as illegal road traffic disposal of leased vehicles and fraud of leased vehicles. Accelerate the construction of credit system, establish a credit evaluation system for lease operators and lessees, and build a cross-departmental and cross-regional joint incentive and punishment mechanism.

  The Guiding Opinions require that local transportation departments should formulate supporting policies, measures and implementation plans.

  On August 2, the Ministry of Transport and other 10 departments jointly issued the draft of "Guiding Opinions on Encouraging and Regulating the Development of Internet Rental Bicycles", which clearly pointed out that the development of Internet rental electric bicycles is not encouraged.

  Li Jiangping, inspector of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, said that such regulations mainly consider that vehicles generally exceed the standard and do not meet the standard requirements of the General Technical Conditions for Electric Bicycles; Prone to traffic accidents; Fire safety hazards are prominent; High risk of vehicle operation safety; In addition, the battery pollution problem is serious.


What does a hot search think of AI’s "resurrection" of the dead star?

From Bao Xiaobai’s "resurrection" of her daughter who died of illness to netizens’ "resurrection" of CoCo Lee with AI, AI "resurrection" has become one of the hottest topics at present.

Merchants on the e-commerce platform have already smelled business opportunities. Shops and studios that "resurrect" their loved ones with AI are everywhere, and the lowest 10 yuan can "make old photos move". Some merchants’ interfaces show "move and don’t talk" 40 yuan and "make talk" 150 yuan, and the interface shows that more than 800 copies have been sold.

However, the head enterprises that have been deeply involved in the field of digital people for many years seem calm. Silicon-based intelligence has "resurrected" thousands of people in the past few years. Founder and CEO Sima Huapeng told CBN that the whole enterprise has cloned about 500,000 digital people in the past, which means that in the whole big market, digital immortality business only accounts for a small part. "It’s not an industry that everyone looks so beautiful."

"Many people don’t want to put their loved ones ‘ Copy ’ When you come out, some bring happiness, others leave, and then watching and communicating repeatedly will deepen the pain, you know? " Sima Huapeng said that the silicon-based intelligent team has also experienced many rejections in the project of exploring the "resurrection" of AI. In his view, digital immortality may be an industry with a low ceiling in China, but in the field of digital people, whether it is short video, live broadcast or interactive application under the blessing of large models, there is a lot of imagination.

At present, digital immortality is also facing legal and ethical problems. Recently, the "resurrection" of AI stars has also caused a lot of controversy and been opposed by family members.

You Yunting, a senior partner of Shanghai Dabang Law Firm, believes that "public figures have a certain particularity, because there are many fans, who are familiar with themselves. If they see the videos of such public figures, they are cherished, even if they are created by artificial intelligence, I believe that most fans will not have opinions." He said that if it is a harmless behavior to the society, it is no problem, but if family members or their heirs raise objections to it, they should respect their opinions and take some content off the shelves.

Details stamp: "AI" Resurrection "is as low as 10 yuan, but it is not necessarily a good business"


Did you see the best movie last week?

As we said yesterday, there were quite a few good movies released last week.

Therefore, in last week’s Douban movie-Zhoukou tablet list, six new films were on the list at the same time. Among them, the best evaluation is this Hollywood blockbuster "13 lives" which just went online in August.

This film is now rated by nearly 10,000 people, and it still maintains 8.3 points. In this year’s new film, it is also very worthy of attention.

At first glance, Thirteen Lives may not be so amazing, just a traditional disaster film. But thanks to this solidity and tradition, the film has maintained a very good visibility, which is the kind of familiar taste.

Of course, from the line-up, this film is really worthy of attention. The director of this film is the old director Ron Howard, who is also a heavyweight director in Hollywood. Both the director and the producer have participated in many excellent works.

Many well-known films, such as A Beautiful Mind, The Iron Fist Man, Fast Wind, Apollo 13, Dialogue with Nixon and so on, are all directed by Ron Howard.

Of course, he also has an actress daughter, bryce dallas howard, who is also well known to everyone.

In addition to director Ron Howard, Vigo Mortensen, Colin Farrell, joel edgerton and others also added a lot of color to the film. Only from the line-up, this is indeed the most noteworthy film in the near future.

Besides, the film is also very attractive in plot.

The movie "Thirteen Lives" is based on a real event, from the cave rescue incident in Thailand in 2018. It is estimated that some friends still remember that incident, because it happened to be during the World Cup.

Twelve Thai football teenagers went to explore caves with their coaches, but because the rainy season came early, they were trapped in caves by a heavy rain, which lasted for many days.

After that, the Thai government and thousands of volunteers from all over the world began a long rescue work.

Just last year, there was a documentary about this incident, so we can watch it together with reference.

That’s last year’s Cave Rescue in Thailand:

This documentary is also very exciting. Today, the score of Douban is over 10,000, with a score of 9.0, which is also a high-scoring documentary last year.

Its director is Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, a well-known documentary couple. Their previous documentary "Rock Climbing with Hands" must have been seen by many friends.

In fact, whether it is the documentary "Cave Rescue in Thailand" or the drama "Thirteen Lives", the content is similar. After all, they all originated from the same real event.

Or, you can look at these two films this way. The documentary "Cave Rescue in Thailand" is more like a background information display, so that you can better understand the whole incident.

The drama "Thirteen Lives", because it is a drama performed by actors, will naturally add some detailed descriptions and emotional clues, including the recurrence of some events that cannot be presented in documentaries, which will make the audience feel the event more intuitively.

Of course, for me, whether it is a documentary or a drama, the feelings are actually similar.

As mentioned earlier, in fact, we often see all kinds of news or movies about disaster rescue, but what is special about this incident is that apart from the official rescue in Thailand, there are thousands of volunteers from all over the world who work together and do their best to participate in this rescue.

Even the people who played a key role in the final rescue were amateur cave divers, not professional rescuers.

When this group of volunteers from all over the world, who had nothing to do with these teenagers, volunteered to participate in the rescue without fear of hard work.

Is the most touching part of this incident.

It shows the rare goodwill in human nature, ignoring language, race and national boundaries …

Is across everything.

The reason why I was moved by such a plot is that in the last two years, such goodwill has become more and more scarce.

When teenagers were found trapped in caves, the Thai authorities quickly organized a rescue team. However, this rescue is indeed very difficult.

Because the cave was very deep and filled with water, at first, they were not even sure whether these teenagers were alive or dead.

In order to get further information or promote rescue work, it is necessary to dive in caves.

Although Thai SEALs have rich diving experience, they are not good at cave diving.

After all, cave diving is not a routine diving, it will be more dangerous and more difficult. Compared with conventional diving, cave diving will face more complex and unknown terrain, including the possibility of passing through a very narrow hole.

Especially, in the process of cave diving, the visibility of divers is extremely low. On the one hand, the water in the cave is very turbid, on the other hand, there is really no light in the cave, and the function of their own lighting equipment is very limited, which is why they have to touch the guide rope all the way, because that is their eyes.

Therefore, although in the movie, for the convenience of the audience, we can still see their various behaviors in the water.

But according to the description of the real cave diver, you can’t see anything there.

Of course, the film can’t be made like this, so the audience can’t see anything. We just need to understand that rescue in reality will be more difficult and dangerous than in movies.

So, when the SEALs were unable to perform the diving rescue mission. Several main characters in the film, a group of cave diving amateurs appeared.

Because there is no occupation in cave diving, these people with rich experience in cave diving are actually amateurs, and they also have other jobs themselves.

Their participation has promoted the rescue process to a certain extent. First of all, the two leading men, John and Richard, went deep into the cave through hours of cave diving, and found these 13 people and brought back precious images.

This discovery undoubtedly brings hope to the families of teenagers and lets them know that the children are still alive. At least people are still alive, so we can carry out the next rescue work.

Of course, it’s not that simple.

As mentioned earlier, cave diving is a very demanding diving activity, especially the whole process is very long and complicated, and it often takes several hours to dive, which has very high requirements for the specialty.

At the same time, not long after the discovery of these teenagers, a tragic event happened. A former Thai Navy SEAL member died during rescue diving due to lack of experience in cave diving and oxygen exhaustion.

And his misfortune further hinted at the difficulty of rescue work. A well-trained professional SEAL can’t finish the cave diving and escape successfully.

How can a group of inexperienced children get out of the dark caves by diving?

Therefore, the film shows that after the two protagonists find that these teenagers are still alive. In fact, the two men were so complicated that they even wanted to escape and didn’t want to make this discovery public.

Because they don’t know what to do next, and they are completely incapable of bringing those teenagers out alive.

How to safely take this group of teenagers who have no diving experience and spend a few hours diving through the dark caves.

Officially, it is: an impossible task.

Of course, in the end, they successfully completed the rescue mission, and 13 people, including the coach, were successfully rescued.

Specific how to rescue, the film also tells the process in detail, interested parties can also pay attention to it.

What the film finally presents is that human beings have achieved the impossible with their efforts.

Such a result is always touching.

In fact, whether it is this "13 lives" or the event itself, the touching reason is that most of the participants are ordinary people.

So in the climax of the rescue, the director specially arranged an emotional scene. One of the rescuers accidentally got lost while taking a child away. Because he was too flustered, he thought that the teenager might die. Tension and fear made him close to collapse and kept blaming himself.

Fortunately, in the end, it was just a false alarm. Everything went well and the children were saved.

However, this scene will also make the audience more aware that these rescuers are really not heroes, they are just ordinary people, and they also have fragility and fear.

However, the heroic behavior from ordinary people will be even more touching.

And the most wonderful thing about this "Thirteen Lives" is that it tells a story of a civilian hero and their kindness across national boundaries.

At the same time, the actors have also paid a lot for this film. For example, several leading actors have done a lot of diving exercises for the film, and they need to shoot their own diving. But diving, especially cave diving, is really very difficult and dangerous, and the actors also said that there will be great panic during diving.

Colin Farrell, the male host, even said that in the future, he might be cautious about making a film about water sports, because this film left a great shadow on him.

Of course, although it is very serious, Colin Farrell has made a lot of preparations and efforts for this film. In addition to practicing diving, I have been communicating with the prototype of the character to better understand the role.

Even, because the prototype he played was keen on long-distance running, Colin Farrell practiced long-distance running, and even ran a Brisbane Marathon during filming.

Finally, I finished the race in 3 hours and 54 minutes.

According to official data, he averaged 5 minutes and a half kilometers, and finally ranked 34 in his 45-49 age group (64 in total) and 222 among all the players. As a player who practices and plays, this result is still ok.

Therefore, this group of actors is really too hard to run a marathon for the movie.

After the film was released, the overall evaluation was also good. In addition to douban, IMDb also scored 7.8 points.

Of course, I also saw some questioning voices. It seems that some netizens on Douban feel that this film overemphasizes the role of several white cave divers and ignores the efforts of other volunteers, because thousands of volunteers from many countries actually participated in this rescue activity, including the Thai government.

How can I put it? I can only say that this is the limitation of the creator, or it is called a choice. After all, movies are always limited by time, and creators also have their own direction of expression. Movies can’t cover everything, and they always have to be prominent and choose.

There’s nothing I can do about it.

Of course, watching such a movie, I still hope to give up more bad feelings and just feel the film from the perspective of ordinary people.

Whether white, black or yellow, when participating in this rescue activity.

In fact, they are all kind people first.

Including, in this rescue, a group of China volunteers also participated and provided a lot of support.

All of them are worthy of respect.


The new SUV Satus Shanghai Auto Show listed Kia’s global model lineup.

  On April 18th, Kia unveiled its global strategic vehicle matrix at the 20th Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition, and adopted a brand-new "Windows of inspiration" booth design, which shone with a brand-new lineup and a brand-new look. At this auto show, KIA’s brand-new compact SUV Satus went on the market, further enhancing the market competitiveness of the fuel vehicle product lineup. At the same time, EV6 GT, EV5 concept car, EV9 concept car and E-GMP, a platform dedicated to electric vehicles, were unveiled, demonstrating Kia’s determination to go all out to transform into electrification. KIA will unswervingly dig deep into the China market, gather global superior resources to empower the China market, introduce global hot-selling models one after another to improve the product matrix, improve the user ecological chain system, and ensure the success of the China market.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image001

  Brand transformation has achieved remarkable results. Kia has unswervingly taken root in the China market

  Facing the rapidly changing global automobile market, Kia launched a comprehensive and thorough brand transformation in 2021, and made changes in the whole business field, so as to realize corporate vision as a "sustainable mobile travel solution provider". At the same time, based on the "Plan S" strategy, Kia is expanding its business map in an all-round way, creating innovative travel products and solutions in the new travel era, and is committed to becoming a global leader in mobile travel.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image002

  At the auto show, Kim Kyung-hyun, general manager of Kia China, said: "In 2022, Kia achieved unprecedented brilliant results in the world, ranking seventh in the global auto brand sales list with sales of 2.9 million vehicles. As the most dynamic and potential automobile market in the world, China’s success in the China market is the core of Kia’s global strategy. " In order to better promote the development in China market, Kia is also adhering to the brand innovation strategy of New Kia, taking customer experience innovation as the goal, unswervingly pushing forward the localization reform, renewing and upgrading the brand, products, channels, services, marketing and other aspects, accelerating the electrification transformation, and making every effort to meet the increasingly rich mobile travel needs of China users.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image003

  The brand-new SUV Satus is officially listed, and the Kia fuel vehicle lineup will be added.

  At this auto show, KIA’s brand-new compact SUV Satus was officially launched, and four models were launched. The official guide price was 109,900 yuan-139,900 yuan. At the same time, it also brought consumers an eight-fold value-for-money car purchase gift. After comprehensive concessions, the amazing price only started at 99,900 yuan.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image004

  Satus adopts the brand-new design concept of Kia’s "Opposites United" and takes "Power to Progress" as the design inspiration to create a tough, confident, smart and fashionable appearance style. In terms of interior, Setus has a dual 10.25-inch intelligent integrated display screen, equipped with a newly upgraded Kia Connect intelligent interconnection system, which supports intimate functions such as valet mode and rear seat mute mode unique to the same level, creating a higher-level driving experience for users. In addition, Satus is also equipped with L2+ intelligent driver assistance system to protect users’ travel. In terms of power, Setus not only has a 1.5L powertrain with better fuel economy, but also the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is only 6.05L; per 100 kilometers. Add 1.4T surge power system, the maximum torque is 242N·m, and the comprehensive fuel consumption of WLTC is as low as 6.26L per 100 kilometers, which fully meets users’ demand for extreme vehicles with strong power and low fuel consumption.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image005

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image006

  As a star model of KIA’s global strategy, the listing of Satus is another achievement of KIA’s brand innovation strategy, which will help KIA’s fuel vehicle lineup accelerate its rejuvenation. At the auto show, KIA’s world-famous star models such as Lion Platinum Tuojie, Jiahua, K5 and K3 also made their debut, attracting many favorable eyes.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image007

  KIA China’s New Energy Strategy Accelerated Landing KIA Pioneer Pure Trams Shined All over the Hall.

  In response to the explosive growth of new energy vehicles in China, Kia has formulated a medium-and long-term electrification blueprint to help Kia China become a leading electrification brand. Starting this year, Kia will launch at least one pure electric vehicle based on the E-GMP platform for electric vehicles every year. By 2027, a total of six pure electric vehicles will be launched. At the same time, KIA will increase its R&D investment in advanced technologies such as mobile travel, electrification, interconnection technology and autonomous driving, and integrate the research results of China Forward Digital R&D Center based on KIA’s special platform for electric vehicles, so as to bring more and more excellent electrification products to China consumers.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image008

  At this auto show, KIA EV6 GT, EV5 concept car, EV9 concept car and E-GMP, a special platform for electric vehicles, appeared on the same stage to show the profound strength of KIA Pioneer pure electric technology. Among them, the comprehensive output power of EV6 GT is as high as 430kW, the acceleration time of 100 kilometers is only 3.5 seconds, and the performance is comparable to that of super-running; At the same time, it supports 800V high-voltage fast charging system, and it only takes 18 minutes to charge the power from 10% to 80%. In terms of intelligence, the EV6 GT is equipped with an enhanced intelligent driving assistance system including semi-automatic lane change assistance and rear collision avoidance assistance, and is also equipped with AR HUD reality enhanced head-up display technology to fully escort users’ travel. It is worth mentioning that, on a global scale, EV6 is in the limelight. After winning the "2022 European Car of the Year" award and the "2023 North American Car of the Year" award, EV6 GT has recently won the title of "2023 World Performance Car", demonstrating Kia’s unparalleled electric technology strength. In August this year, EV6 will be listed in China in the form of imported cars, maintaining the high quality with the global unified standards.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image009

  The EV5 concept car adopts the brand-new design concept of Kia’s "Opposites United", which shows the new trend of design aesthetics of pure electric vehicles in the future. The interior innovation of EV5 concept car adopts a new rotatable seat layout, which breaks the boundary between the interior and exterior space and creates an unbounded space for users to live in harmony with nature. The battery life of more than 700km (CLTC standard) and the fast charging time of less than 20 minutes greatly alleviate users’ anxiety about the mileage and charging of electric vehicles. In addition, EV5 is KIA’s first vehicle equipped with the 2nd generation remote control intelligent parking assistance system in China, and will apply a number of cutting-edge intelligent safety configurations to provide users with a safer and smarter car experience. The EV5 is scheduled to be listed in China in November this year, and it will be the first global electric vehicle produced in China and listed for the first time by Kia, which is of great significance.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image010

  Kia Pure Electric’s flagship SUV EV9 concept car has a car length of over 5,000mm and a wheelbase of 3,100mm, and adopts three rows and six seats of luxury seats, plus a flat floor design, creating a luxury space that is ahead of its peers. The EV9 will be equipped with an 800V high-voltage fast charging system, which can increase the cruising range by 239 kilometers after charging for 15 minutes. At the same time, through the application of the fourth-generation battery and the second-generation battery management system, the competitiveness of the cruising range will be further ensured. As KIA’s first vehicle equipped with highway automatic driving system (HDP) in China, EV9 is expected to achieve L3-class automatic driving, and at the same time, the whole system will be equipped with 10 airbags as standard to escort drivers and passengers all over the world. According to the plan, the new car will be officially launched in China next year.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image011

  In addition to increasing product layout, Kia will also maximize the expansion of electric vehicle sales channels and brand contacts through strategic cooperation with large dealer groups, and comprehensively innovate the user experience. At the same time, in addition to providing personal home charging stations and installation services, Kia also plans to cooperate with Shell to establish a high-speed charging network, and further expand the layout of the basic charging network through cooperation with third-party charging enterprises in China to provide users with a convenient and cost-effective electric travel experience. In addition, Kia plans to launch the brand APP in the second half of this year. As a comprehensive platform built with user thinking, Kia APP will comprehensively enhance the user experience from all areas of car life such as car purchase, car use, service and infotainment.

The brand-new SUV Satus is listed at the Shanghai Auto Show, and Kia's global model lineup is added _fororder_image012

  This year is an advanced year for the brand transformation of Kia China. Kia will accelerate the comprehensive implementation of China’s new energy strategy, provide China consumers with a higher quality mobile travel service experience by introducing more world-leading electrification technologies and products, and strive to take off again in the China market. (Photo courtesy of Kia Motors)


Interview with Zhang Haidong, the producer of Opponent | Don’t blindly pursue novelty in spy war dramas.

A pair of spy couples living on the mainland from abroad suffered a midlife crisis and lived a trivial life. There is a female team leader of the National Security Bureau leading a close investigation in front of her, and there is a cruel online push behind her. Struggling in the cracks, what should they do? From heaven to earth to chicken feathers, the "atypical" spy war drama "Opponent" featuring two anti-routine spies unexpectedly became popular in 2022, and the heated discussion continued, and the spontaneous publicity of netizens also became a grand occasion.

Facing the double harvest of popularity and word of mouth, producer Zhang Haidong admits that popularity can’t be met, and the only thing he can do is to strive for good quality in the professional field. From conception and creation to shooting and online, The Opponent, which took three years to polish, confirmed Zhang Haidong’s idea as a content creator and producer. Good works are not mass-produced. She enjoys the whole production process, and has accumulated more insights on preparation, production and publicity in her years of work as a producer. In addition, more is still the original heart has not changed. The ups and downs in the industry go round and round, and Zhang Haidong always believes in making products with sincerity and heart, and puts limited energy on every project that can be selected to witness their birth.



ICONSPRO: You have actually participated in the production of spy war works before. What do you think is particularly attractive about Opponent?

Zhang Haidong:The theme of modern spy war is relatively rare in the market. Everyone has watched more time dramas, and they are already familiar with some of the usual scenes and deductive methods of time dramas, and they don’t have much expectation. Because this play is a modern spy war, the background of the story is put into the present, and I think it is a very strong attraction for the audience.

ICONSPRO: The audience has some interesting comments on Opponents, such as "The Poor Smith". Have you ever paid attention to them?

Zhang Haidong:We have a group in which all the actors and actresses are creative, and everyone will post some comments from some netizens on the Internet and update them every day. I think people say it is a poor version of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which is also quite vivid.

ICONSPRO: In the work "Opponent", the characters are very well shaped, and the characters are multi-faceted. Which characters are you particularly fond of or impressed by in this play?

Zhang Haidong:From the creative point of view, I like every character very much, and every character is very lifelike, not the kind of facebook and flat figure, but very three-dimensional. Moreover, the screenwriter also devoted himself to his enthusiasm, and he wrote very full, whether it was the leading role, supporting role or marginal character, so it was equally important. However, if we are most impressed, of course, Li Tang and Ding Meixi are quite different from the spies we have shaped in the past. Those (spies) that I saw in literary and artistic works before, who are in heaven and earth, can do anything in suits and beautiful dresses. Do people think that the imaginary spy should not be like 007? How can we be so poor and forced by life, so trivial, everyone will have such a big contrast, in fact, this is exactly what kind of breakthrough point we said when we were doing this play as the main creator, and what innovations we made on the theme is precisely a reflection of our original intention.

ICONSPRO: The powerful cast of "Opponent" is a highlight of this work. What are the considerations in the choice of actors? In particular, the young actors of several protagonists and the newcomers of the National Security Bureau did not cater too much to the current market to choose actors with high popularity and popularity. How is this considered?

Zhang Haidong:First of all, I think the image temperament of the actor should be highly consistent with the revealed characteristics of this role. Why is it that all the audience will say it’s true and have a sense of substitution this time? It seems that everything that happened is true, and the enthusiasm for pursuing the drama is so high because they have seen it. I think the authenticity of the actors is very critical, and it will not let the audience drift out, and it will not make the audience think that you are fake, acting or making up. I think the actor is a very important part in shaping the role, so its accuracy and the fit between the actor and the role are very important. (ICONSPRO: After reading the script, the starring teachers expressed their willingness to attend? ) Yes, I’m very excited to read all the scripts, and it’s imperative to say that I won’t consider other plays for the time being, so I must go to the "Opponent" play, which is absolutely true.

ICONSPRO: Are the young actors chosen according to them after they are created by the master?

Zhang Haidong:After we decided to play the leading role at that time, we must look for actors who are similar to them in appearance. Again, we must be true. From the current screen performance, we will feel that they are not only similar in shape, but also similar in spirit, that is, they are highly consistent and very predestined.

ICONSPRO: As a modern spy war drama, it is necessary to have a certain understanding of the daily work and life of spies and national security personnel. What preparations did the team make in this regard?

Zhang Haidong:Our screenwriter, Mr. Wang Xiaoqiang, consulted a lot of information in this field at the early stage of his creation. Moreover, we also have experts from the national security department to give us some further guidance, so many viewers, especially some in the industry, will think it is very real.

ICONSPRO: How long did it take "Opponent" from script creation to final shooting? Compared with ancient costumes, sweet pets and other themes, spy war works are not the hot type in the market. Why do you insist on doing works with this theme?

Zhang Haidong:First of all, I don’t resist any theme. It’s not that I can only shoot spy wars. I’ve been trying to pursue such a project with the best of both word-of-mouth and market popularity. It just so happens that I think it is this type of project from the beginning of Mask to the present Opponent. It doesn’t mean I did it on purpose. Spy warfare is because it has strong drama elements, it is a strong plot, and then there is suspense and a particularly strong life-and-death contest, which are very important reasons to attract the audience.

ICONSPRO: What is the biggest difficulty in the whole process of creation and shooting? The plot of "Opponent" is developing at a fast pace, and spy war dramas often need active thinking and understanding skills. Are you worried that the audience will be more difficult and difficult to understand?

Zhang Haidong:I think this phenomenon will definitely exist, and we can only try our best to express it in the most important way. I think Mr. Xiao Qiang is very capable in constructing stories, and he combines strong plots with strong emotions without showing any traces, so everyone doesn’t feel far-fetched The play serves the emotion, which in turn promotes the plot of the play. He has done very well in this respect. In fact, if you construct the whole structure of the story very well in the early stage of creation, and then have the appropriate actors to perform it, it will definitely be a favorite work, and the audience will look at the story first, right? We didn’t say that we should focus on the extreme pursuit of the plot of the spy war drama, because in that case, I think it may divert the audience. The most important thing is to try to lay out some plots that the audience can understand, including its internal reasoning logic, and try to be acceptable to the audience. There is another one. Why do you think the emotional part of this play is very eye-catching? This is a narrative rhythm. In the end, the incident will bring out the relationship between people, and the feelings generated by the incident will be laid out. We have also done very well this time. Therefore, it is very good to grasp this rhythm one by one. And from the feedback now, some viewers will say that he will be a little dizzy in the first few episodes, and there will be more roles, and then he will sort out all aspects of character relations. But slowly, after about three or four episodes, I will go in, and I will not be particularly constrained by the plot. On the contrary, I will pay more attention to the relationship between the characters behind me.What caused all their recent situations and experiences actually happened to be our original intention and our intention to do this play. If everyone pays special attention to the bridge above the plot, maybe I think we will express something, and its degree will be weakened.

ICONSPRO: In fact, we didn’t make much changes in this script in the later period, basically maintaining the original script written by the original little gun teacher?

Zhang Haidong:Because Mr. Xiao Qiang is a very mature screenwriter, he wrote every work himself. He is very strict with himself, and the script has not passed his own level, and he generally won’t take it out easily. Our main creations, including actors, are very recognized after reading the script. Moreover, especially in the spy war drama, its buttons are tightly connected, and it is necessary to be very cautious in unbuttoning, so it is easy not to move its structure and move its bridge. Everyone has reached such a consensus. So we basically didn’t move his script during the creation period, which is based on a common recognition.

ICONSPRO: How long does it take from the beginning of the creation of the small gun teacher to the completion of the final shooting?

Zhang Haidong:There are three years from conception to creation to our real shooting, and then to editing and synthesizing and meeting the audience.

ICONSPRO: With the current trend of younger users, is there any special consideration and design in the expression of younger opponents?

Zhang Haidong:There is a very clear line, that is, the emotional line of Guoan soldiers, which is a very obvious one. Their age groups are all in their twenties. There are also Ding Meixi and Li Tang. Their daughter Li Xiaoman is seventeen or eighteen. She happens to be ignorant in adolescence, and she also represents a very large group. Duan Yingjiu’s son, such a group of seventeen or eighteen, is just about to enter the society. There are also a group of people like Zhu Hui, Huang Hai and Ding Xiaohe, who have entered the society and have made some choices between work and emotion. The puzzles in work and life and how to solve these puzzles are all in this film.

ICONSPRO: Compared with previous spy war dramas, Opponent has some innovations in the background of the times, the setting of characters, the cut-in perspective, etc. In your opinion, what are the new development directions of spy war themes in the future?

Zhang Haidong: Personally, I think that is to say, there are undoubtedly two aspects. One is the laying out of the plot. If it is a spy war now, it is not like a time drama, because it has the looseness of time scope, so you still have some room for imagination and play in the plot design. In modern drama, you just have to fit in, be very real and realistic. Blindly pursuing the strangeness of the plot is prone to flaws, so I think the setting of the plot should not be divorced from people, and simply describe the event, which will be thinner and shallower. Then there is the relationship between the characters and the feelings of the characters behind the incident, which really need to be described by pen and ink. They are organically combined and cannot be separated from each other, just like one or two skins, and the audience will not be moved.

ICONSPRO: Why did the title of the play change from the original Lover to Opponent? Is there any other interpretation of the title of the play besides the "opponent" between the national security personnel and the spies?

Zhang Haidong:As creators, our thoughts or our ideas have grown and changed. From the creative point of view, we may focus on how strange the relationship between characters is. In the process of creation, experts give us some guidance, and we will find that this angle and conception will be narrow, so we should enlarge it, because when you hear the name "Love", it will definitely be closely related to love. Moreover, if you simply describe the love of this spy couple, your original intention and conception will be lower. "Opponent" divides the enemy and me, even a camp, into different people at once, right? The degree of their persistence in faith is laid out in all aspects. So I think the title of "Opponent" is still relatively accurate, and it is the opposition in all aspects. And when they face emotions, whether they let go or fight for it, it is a feeling of game in it. For example, Duan Yingjiu actually loves her husband deeply, but she is in the big love area, and she gives up small love. "Opponent" can be interpreted as a neutral word, in fact, it is your choice, whether you choose side A or side B, it can also be extended to be like this. For a spy war drama, you must have a title that is relatively intuitive and clear.

ICONSPRO: There has always been a problem of uneven reputation and ratings of film and television works in the industry. In fact, the popularity of Opponent, which has a high reputation, was not particularly high at the beginning of its broadcast. What do you think of this phenomenon? What do you think is the reason?

Zhang Haidong:The only thing we can do is to do a good job in the quality of this play in our professional field. I think this is something we can do. I think the heat is hard to meet. From the perspective of the industry, I think word of mouth is more significant and very important for us. The general environment is getting better and better now. Everyone’s recognition and pursuit of good content is the pursuit of this enthusiasm, and the awareness is also increasing. In fact, it is a very good direction. From my play "Opponent", it is true that the publicity has not reached the kind of popularity that everyone expected. Of course, there are many objective reasons for it, but as long as everyone watches this film, they say it is very good-looking. This good-looking is not only the story design, but also the actor’s performance and the picture presentation. This is a particularly gratifying thing. All the hard work and payment have been highly recognized and agreed by everyone, and I think it is a positive feedback.

ICONSPRO: After participating in many spy war dramas, have you summarized the rules of content production of this theme work?

Zhang Haidong:Don’t blindly pursue its novelty in the plot of spy war drama, because you are bound by all aspects, your wisdom, your professional knowledge and your ability to set and release buttons may not be perfect in the plot. And once the audience is caught in the situation of tracking the plot, they will repeatedly pick your flaws very severely and meticulously in the plot. I think it is easier for make a fool of oneself. It’s not that we have to speculate or anything, because no one can say that I can be perfect in all aspects of the plot, so I think we must rub the feelings of the characters in. Because what the audience sees is actually an emotion and a state, you see that he is attracted by strong plots. In fact, he is also tracking particularly intense emotions. At this time, after adding emotions, you will give him a pause and a relaxation, which can meet the viewer’s aesthetic needs at a higher level. So I think we should make more efforts in this respect, from the perspective of the combination of events and emotions, rather than blindly pursuing strong plots.

ICONSPRO: Will some friends have some feedback on your play?

Zhang Haidong:I saw a WeChat just now. Look at my friend. He said that you made an atypical spy war drama with fireworks. It was great. What is uncovered is the entanglement, dreams and helplessness of adults, and the works with human flavor have temperature. A WeChat like this, I receive a lot every day, and I feel particularly beautiful.

ICONSPRO: You have been studying dance at first, then why did you choose to enter the film and television industry? What is the turning point?

Zhang Haidong:I think it may be that life has reached a certain stage and there may be another pursuit. I think I’m lucky. After nearly six years of training in a dance, I have a deep understanding of beauty. It is a very opportune opportunity to come into contact with film and television dramas, and there is an internal connection between them. For example, they are all based on literature, and they are expressed in different forms in the depiction of characters. These things are common, but there are some differences in the forms of expression, but it is precisely a space for me to continue to study, explore and improve myself, so I will try to turn to film and television production.

ICONSPRO: From joining Hairun in 2002, to becoming a independent filmmakers in 2005, to signing Huayi to set up his own studio in 2010, and to set up Haidong Tomorrow Film and Television in 2016, what are your different feelings at these important time points in your life?

Zhang Haidong:At first, I did some plays by myself, but at that time I was still in a state of learning. I felt that I must use some more powerful forces to make myself grow faster. Later, I went to Hairun. At that time, Hairun was among the private film and television companies in our country. It was really a mobile phone, and the quality of its products was excellent. After working as an executive producer and producer for about five plays, I began to feel uneasy again at that time, just to see if I could apply what I had learned. So in 2005, I made the first drama of my company, which was a theme with a strong plot and a strong story. That play is my real release from production, and the whole chain has gone through itself from beginning to end, which is not a small promotion, but also a turn. In 10 years, I entered Huayi, set up my own studio, and then worked in Huayi for another 5 years. In 16 years, the contract expired, because I made several plays and all the transcripts were good. I took such a report card and continued to run my own company. At this time, I came into contact with the Internet. At that time, the Internet was just a stage of rapid development.

ICONSPRO: What are the differences and changes in your mentality at these important time nodes in your life and in your way of thinking about content production?

Zhang Haidong:I think that I am more and more determined, that is, I must be down-to-earth. There is really no speculation in this industry. Never think that a producer is a very glamorous identity. I am here to pursue this identity. In fact, it is a double-edged sword, because identity gives you the right to speak, but if your cognition and your industry experience do not reach a certain level, the greater your right to speak, the greater the risk may be. All aspects have been trained to a very objective and professional angle, so that you can say that the crew can carry out your will, or that you can work hard and move forward in the right direction, so that you can get the final result you particularly want. Otherwise, it is basically consumption. Don’t play the producer, you took a team to move forward. This project was born of you, and its life and death are really under your control. You should be responsible for the overall project and all the creative staff and actors. It is not carrying out your personal will, but amplifying a very objective thing. So I think my feeling is actually that I should be more confident and more confident in my heart, and these things are not blind, but more objective.

ICONSPRO: This is not the first time that "Opponent" has cooperated with the screenwriter and director. Is it possible to have a more tacit understanding in shooting?

Zhang Haidong:I think it is very important for a creative act to get to know each other. Because trust is based on understanding, film and television works are a working mode in which everyone works together. If there is no minimum trust, many creative inspirations or ideas will be consumed more or less, because people’s emotions are something you can’t avoid, and art has no criterion. In the process of communication, it is very consuming. We know each other very well, so everyone will think that we have different views on this matter because of our understanding of the matter. I think everyone’s communication takes place outside the play, in the early stage, and it’s okay to spend a lot of time. It’s okay to unify and express opinions with each other, but when we really enter the creative stage and the shooting stage, we must put all our energy on the drama expression.

ICONSPRO: Haidong Tomorrow Film and Television has basically maintained the production frequency of one work a year after its establishment. Was this planned from the beginning?

Zhang Haidong:Our company’s philosophy is to emphasize quality over quantity, and there is no special external pressure, pushing myself to say how many plays I will shoot every year. A good film and television work is not mass-produced, but it needs to be meticulously crafted in every detail, which itself consumes time. Personally, I enjoy the whole production process. I like to see my favorite works come out from scratch step by step. I didn’t say that my company must have a relatively large layout. I must open several projects a year. In the current market environment, I don’t think anyone will say that I can succeed in opening three projects a year. It is better to put my limited energy into every project that I like and can be selected by our company, and do it carefully.

ICONSPRO: Is the company basically responsible for one project now, or are many projects in parallel?

Zhang Haidong:At present, the focus is on grasping a project and making this project to the extreme. I think this direction should not change much. In 13 years and 14 years, when capital poured into our film and television circle, I didn’t even say that I would recruit more producers and open more plays to do my work, so as to meet the demands of the capital market. Now, it is even more impossible for me to do this because it is meaningless.

ICONSPRO: What standards does the company have in the selection of film and television works? What is the most important thing?

Zhang Haidong:There is no special setting. I think the only criterion is to make quality products and choose them objectively. I think these things are really hard to meet. If I meet a very good IP, I say I don’t do it, I only do the original, and there is no such choice. It is impossible to say that there are good original works in my hands. I must look for IP. I don’t think there is a necessary connection between the two. As long as it is a good script, it is not limited to the subject matter and its source. That is, how many good IP are there, and will you get the good IP? When it reaches you, it is still the original thing, but are there any other elements attached to it, which will interfere with your creation, and the investment may be large. How much money will you put on the original work itself to present it? Therefore, specific issues are treated in a specific way. The underlying logic means how much energy and thought you spend to present it. If you present it with your heart, it is impossible to say that the original IP foundation is very good, and it is ruined for you. There must be objective reasons for reducing its original heat or quality. We must respect objective laws in this line of work, not too many human factors.

ICONSPRO: So far, what is your most impressive or favorite work?

Zhang Haidong:At present, I think it must be "Opponent". I have been immersed in the creation of "Opponent" for more than a year. A masterpiece is not easy to be copied, and it is unlikely to be copied, because it has gathered too many excellent resources and very rare creative factors.



The Guangzhou Auto Show closed today, with the number of visitors breaking 800,000 for the first time, and the wave of price cuts hit.

  On November 26th, the 21st Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition came to an end. The ten-day exhibition attracted a total of 847,000 visitors. Compared with 760,000 person-times in 2019, it increased by 11.4%. This is also the first time that the number of visitors to Guangzhou Auto Show has exceeded 800,000. At the same time, the organizing Committee also announced thatThe next auto show will be held from November 15th to 24th, 2024.

  On the same day, because it was the weekend, the exhibition ushered in the peak of passenger flow, and many consumers rushed to place orders directly. Near the end of the year, with the listing of new cars, favorable policies, promotion of car companies and other effects gradually emerging, automobile production and sales are expected to continue to grow.

  Price reduction promotion, auto show ushered in an order boom.

  Guangzhou Auto Show is the last large-scale auto show this year. Around the end of the year, major manufacturers have tried their best to increase terminal promotion.

  BYD booth, the audience jostled shoulder to shoulder. Many passengers got into the new car and got in-depth understanding of the control details such as intelligent driving with the staff. In the negotiation area on the second floor, consumers and staff with calculators got in-depth understanding of the price and configuration. "It just happened that BYD cut the price again, and now it’s almost ready to shoot." Zhang Yi, a prospective car owner from Shunde, said.

  This is BYD’s second price cut this month. At the beginning of November, BYD announced the launch of preferential activities for five models, with the preferential range ranging from 5,000 yuan to 18,000 yuan. With the accelerated transformation of automobiles to intelligence and electrification, the "wide goods" represented by BYD are favored by consumers. The data shows that BYD’s sales of new energy vehicles reached 1.86 million in 2022, and it is expected to exceed 3 million this year.

  "The popularity of new energy vehicle booths is significantly higher than that of fuel vehicles." After visiting the auto show, Zhou Fatao, secretary-general of Guangdong New Energy Automobile Industry Association, said that the auto show is special, not only because of the dense cluster of brands and large traffic, but also because this lively atmosphere will stimulate consumers’ desire to buy each other.

  In order to cater to consumers’ mentality of "buying a car to go home for the New Year", the official selling prices announced by many first-time models are lower than market expectations and even lower than those of the previous generation models. For example, Polar Star 4 released during the Guangzhou Auto Show, the delivery price is 299,900 yuan to 399,900 yuan, which is about 50,000 yuan lower than the price displayed at the Shanghai Auto Show in April. Geely Automobile also led a number of brands such as Lectra to launch a "price offensive".

  In order to further promote consumption, Guangzhou Auto Show also introduced the "live broadcast with goods" mode. There are car critics and live broadcasters holding microphones, supporting tripods and talking to the screen of mobile phones everywhere in the booth.

  At the same time, the booth staff will also explain the models and distribute coupons and car purchase benefits to online audiences. The traditional car booth is transformed into a large live broadcast room, which further drives consumers to place orders.

  The technological advantages of new energy vehicles are being transformed into real money orders. The pre-sale of Zhijie S7 was opened for 4 days, and it was set to exceed 10,000 units; Haobo HT36-hour orders exceeded 10,000 units, and the cumulative orders exceeded 30,000 units … During the auto show, major car companies released "transcripts" one after another, showing great enthusiasm of consumers.

  With the help of policies, car sales are expected to hit a new high.

  As a mass consumption, automobile consumption is an important starting point for stabilizing the economy and promoting consumption at present. And policies often play an important role in promoting consumption.

  Just a few days ago, the general office of the provincial government issued "Several Measures to Further Boost and Expand Consumption in Guangdong Province", which proposed a number of measures to further promote consumption of automobiles. For example, Guangzhou and Shenzhen further relaxed the application qualification for car purchase indicators, and this year Guangzhou increased the quota of 50,000 unplanned energy-saving fuel vehicles. China Merchants Securities believes that relaxing the automobile purchase restriction policy is a low-cost and quick-acting stimulus, which can fully release the consumption potential.

  Increasing the index of energy-saving fuel vehicles has also accurately stepped on the needs of consumers. Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group, said during the Guangzhou Auto Show that new energy vehicles continued to grow this year. Among them, compared with pure electric vehicles, energy-saving vehicles such as extended-range and plug-in vehicles grew faster.

  "Taking advantage of Guangzhou’s increase in energy-saving fuel vehicle indicators, I plan to buy a plug-in hybrid vehicle, and I don’t have to worry about queuing for charging on the expressway when I return home." Mr. Liu from Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province went straight to GAC Toyota. This time, his "Heart Water" model is a hybrid version of Toyota Lei Ling, and the maximum cruising range of the new car is close to 1000 kilometers.

  Driven by various consumption promotion policies, automobile marketing activities and a large number of new models, Guangdong’s automobile industry has shown a pattern of booming production and sales. According to the statistics of Guangdong Automobile Industry Association, from January to September this year, the production and sales of automobiles in the province were 3,558,100 and 3,504,300 respectively, up by 14.9% and 15.1% respectively, which was much higher than the national production and sales of 7.3% and 8.2% from January to September.

  After years of continuous decline, car sales are expected to rebound and hit a new high this year. Lang Xuehong, Deputy Secretary-General of china automobile dealers association, said that with the activities in double 11 and the year-end sales of car companies and dealers in December, the domestic retail sales of passenger cars in 2023 is expected to be close to 22 million, which is expected to achieve a 5% growth.

  [Written] South+Reporter Gao Xiaoping Wei Yuquan

  [Photography] South+Reporter Wang Juntao

  [Coordination] Southern+reporter Guo Xiaoge


Campus pop culture can’t just be a game of expression.

  Campus popular culture is becoming an important way for college students to express themselves. Bright pictures/vision china

  Perspective of educational reform

  editorial comment/note

  I like online literature, and I am keen on chasing foreign film and television dramas. I say "Meng Meng Da" and write "Martian". This is the cultural life picture of many college students at present. Together with spoof culture, enthusiasm for textual research, fanaticism about idolize and fashion consumption, they constitute the popular culture of colleges and universities that is popular on campus. What is the fundamental reason for the popularity of popular culture in colleges and universities? From this, what trends of current pop culture phenomena can be seen? What makes such a culture go deep into the hearts of college students? How to guide students in popular culture? In recent years, Wang Ying, an associate professor at capital university of economics and business Marxist Institute, has been tracking popular culture in colleges and universities for a long time, and our reporter interviewed her in this regard.

  1. Popular culture in colleges and universities is associated with fashion, but it is quickly "switched".

  Reporter: What are the main manifestations of popular culture in colleges and universities?

  Wang Ying:Popular culture in colleges and universities can be divided into network culture, foreign culture, language culture and behavior culture.

  Network culture is mainly manifested in network literature, online games and online socialization. We know from the questionnaire survey that college students like online literature only less than classic works. College students are both online writers and the main source of online readers. For example, Zhang Weixuan (pen name Feng Qingyang), a post-90s college student of Hubei University of Technology, as the signing author of 17K novel network under Chinese Online, has gained a large number of fans and millions of income by virtue of his network fantasy novel "Dragon Blood God of War". The attraction of online games to college students comes from its realistic scene design and imitation and transcendence of real life. At the same time, the influence of online games will also spread to the real life of college students, such as "God and horse are all floating clouds" and "tragedy" and other buzzwords all come from the online game World of Warcraft. Social networking mainly takes social networking sites and social software as platforms, such as Zhihu, Guoke, Renren, Kaixin, QQ and WeChat.

  Foreign cultures occupy college students’ spare time with foreign film and television dramas, pop songs and variety shows. This leads to college students’ pursuit of foreign idol stars, clothing styles, food culture and brand products, the most typical of which is "Korean culture". At the beginning of 2016, Descendants of the Sun was a hit, and the cosmetics used by Song Hye Kyo, the heroine in the play, became the main target of college students’ online purchasing. Song Joong Ki, the actor of the leading actor, became the first of the top ten popular stars on campus.

  Language and culture are mainly manifested in popular buzzwords on campus. Popular words in colleges and universities reflect more about the living conditions and emotional changes of college students, such as "being drunk", "being speechless", "being rich is willful", "single dog" and "mainly depending on temperament". Moreover, the emergence of buzzwords is almost related to a popular event at that time, such as "the boat of friendship turns over when it is said", "the power of the wild", "blue thin, mushrooms" and "people who eat melons" in 2016.

  Mock culture, blind textual research, fanaticism about idolize and extravagant consumption are all popular behavior cultures among college students. In campus activities, college students often imitate popular dances, remake classic photos, and ridicule mainstream culture to play their own funny creativity and spoof spirit. In addition, such as buying the latest clothes in the season, doing all kinds of fashionable hairstyles, participating in exciting outdoor sports, attending various classes and starting their own businesses are all indispensable fashion elements in contemporary college students’ lives.

  Reporter: What are the characteristics of popular culture in colleges and universities?

  Wang Ying:Popular culture in colleges and universities is often associated with fashion. Although it can be quickly accepted by the majority of students, it has the characteristics of being quickly "switched". They are just a "game" for college students to know themselves and express themselves. Just as they borrow online buzzwords for irony and banter, they don’t use it to resist society, but are trying to participate in and transform society by their own strength. Popular culture in colleges and universities does not have the popularity of popular culture. It is a "minority" culture of a specific group and a popular culture that only happens among young college students.

  2. Internal and external factors make popular culture popular in university campus.

  Reporter: What do you think is the external cause of popular culture in colleges and universities?

  Wang Ying:Economic globalization and the development of China’s market economy after the reform and opening up are the breeding ground for popular culture in colleges and universities. China’s reform and opening up has fostered an open social environment and cultural mentality. Under the trend of globalization, foreign pop culture is competing for beauty in China. The foreign popular culture, which is mainly based on film and television plays, has quickly grasped the psychological needs of young college students for innovation, rebellion and individuality with its excellent production and commercial operation. It not only opened college students’ eyes, aroused their curiosity, but even affected their cultural attitudes and values.

  At the same time, the consumer society’s change of college students’ consumption concept has become the internal driving force of the flourishing popular culture in colleges and universities. With the gradual prosperity of family life in our country, the consumption power of college students who are mostly only children has also increased year by year, and colleges and universities have become the "cakes" for businesses to compete for. Merchants who follow the trend of profit are extremely sensitive to the popular trends among college students. Every "foreign festival", the merchants will take action, do enough atmosphere rendering and consumption induction, take out the students’ pockets and bring the carnival of the merchants. An invasion of the Korean Wave triggered the popularity of various Korean costumes, Korean cosmetics and Korean food.

  In addition, the powerful communication function of mass media and the emergence of new media have accelerated the process of popular culture being popular in colleges and universities. With the development of internet, college students can understand social trends, watch Hollywood blockbusters and grasp popular elements without leaving campus. You can buy all kinds of fashion items online without leaving the dormitory. Some cultural concepts and contents excluded by the mainstream media have also crossed cities, regions and countries through computers, mobile phones and other media, entered the lives of college students, and influenced their thoughts, behaviors and judgments.

  Reporter: You talked about external causes, but what about internal causes? Why can college pop culture affect college students’ hearts?

  Wang Ying:The popularity of popular culture is not because of its profound content, but mainly because of its immediacy, which embodies the current life value of college students and satisfies their feelings, desires, pursuits and impulses at this moment. The nearly perfect idol star on the screen can attract fans to scream; The ups and downs of love stories in Korean dramas can make Korean drama fans cry or laugh; The grand and well-made online games on the network make those game experts feel like they are there. These popular cultures, which take audio-visual as the main form, can not only satisfy the sensory enjoyment of college students, but also infect their feelings and emotional changes with their contents that are consistent with their real feelings and internal needs.

  College students are in the transition stage from adolescence to adulthood. They are eager to be independent and to rely on their own strength to gain respect and understanding from others, so they pay special attention to the evaluation, attitude and acceptance of the group. Popular culture in colleges and universities can effectively meet the needs of college students’ group identity. Similar costumes, similar languages and similar lifestyles can make college students feel that they are a member of the group. In order to gain the recognition of the group, college students will take the initiative to understand the popular culture of colleges and universities and help themselves to integrate into the group in order to gain a sense of psychological security. Conformity intensifies the infection, suggestion and imitation among groups, and promotes the spread of popular culture in colleges and universities.

  Physiologically, college students’ bodies have matured, which makes them feel that they are adults. They don’t like being treated as "children" any more, and hope to be understood and respected. Therefore, they hold a critical attitude towards the opinions of parents and teachers and tend to accept them selectively according to their own understanding. Pop culture just caters to the psychological needs of college students. They can express themselves freely, show their individuality, be free from restraint and control, and their self-esteem and sense of adulthood are fully satisfied.

  In addition, college students are in a critical period — — Promote their own socialization. The main tasks in this process are: socialization of knowledge and skills, socialization of political ideas, socialization of ethics, socialization of professional consciousness and socialization of value orientation. The popular culture in colleges and universities is playing a role in promoting the socialization of college students. Due to the closed campus environment, the contact between students and society is mainly through computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices. Therefore, through the Internet, popular culture in colleges and universities, with its strong penetration and coverage, has realized the "point-to-face" communication between college students and society, and has become an emotional expression outlet for them to understand, contact and participate in society. The ubiquity of the Internet also makes the life concept, values and beliefs conveyed by popular culture in colleges and universities penetrate into the hearts of college students, affecting everyone’s ideal pursuit and behavior choice.

  3. Clever use of pop culture context, leading the mainstream culture value.

  Reporter: What suggestions do you have for guiding popular culture in colleges and universities?

  Wang Ying:Popular culture in colleges and universities not only greatly enriches and changes the spiritual and cultural life of college students, but also challenges the influence and educational function of mainstream culture among students. We should learn to skillfully use the context of popular culture to effectively realize the value guidance of mainstream culture in colleges and universities.

  Today’s universities are moving towards ideological pluralism and cultural openness, and the independence, selectivity, variability and differences of college students’ ideological activities are also increasing. The group psychology of equal rights and the open information environment make the traditional authoritarian model and preaching indoctrination have no room. The construction of college students’ spiritual world is not from external compulsion and pressure, but from internal recognition and awakening. In order for the mainstream culture in colleges and universities to establish a correct ideological theory and enable students to form a recognition of mainstream values and a clear criterion for judging right and wrong from the bottom of their hearts, we must immediately understand the real ideological trends, psychological preferences and personality characteristics of college students, and earnestly pay attention to their internal demands and emotional needs, instead of simply, vaguely and rigidly overriding their life world.

  At the same time, for today’s college students who often decide their information choice psychology by their own subjective feelings and direct experience of emotional likes and dislikes, the process of leading the mainstream value is not only the process of individual cognitive participation, but also the process of group emotional intervention, and they pay special attention to truth and respect. Therefore, the disseminators of mainstream culture in colleges and universities should adhere to the principle of equality, tolerance and openness, communicate and share ideas with students, listen to their voices and ideas more, give them more understanding, respect and guidance, reduce didactic and indoctrinating language in the education process, and use vivid online language and humorous expressions to bridge the "generation gap between teachers and students". By tuning into the same channel as the students’ discourse system, students can fully involve their own emotions and feel the same for the mainstream culture.

   (Reporter Wang Qinghuan)


A-level wanted man who shot and killed two Foshan patrolmen 12 years ago was seized (Figure)

Cheng Ruilong, who served his sentence incognito in Jiangxi prison. (Image from Dajiang. com)

Cheng Ruilong, a Class A wanted suspect in the Ministry of Public Security. (data picture)

  Running around, committing crimes, carrying 7 lives

  Killed two Foshan patrolmen 12 years ago.

  The Ministry of Public Security offered a reward of 50,000 yuan.

  He was arrested after serving his sentence under a pseudonym in Jiangxi for many years.

  This newspaper (reporter Weng Xiaopeng, Wang Guangyong, Zhang Zhang) once fled to Zhaoqing, Foshan, Guilin, Guangxi, Chongqing and other places. The A-level wanted criminal suspect of the Ministry of Public Security, Cheng Ruilong, a murderer with seven lives on his back, was finally seized in Jiangxi. On June 2, Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau revealed through the media that Cheng Ruilong had been anonymous for many years. On May 31 this year, the criminal police detachment of Nanchang Public Security Bureau verified that Cheng Ruilong, who was serving his sentence under an alias, was the suspect on the A-level wanted order of the Ministry of Public Security. Cheng Ruilong was also the suspect who brutally killed two policemen in Foshan.

  The reporter learned from the Foshan Public Security Bureau yesterday that Cheng Ruilong will be taken back to Foshan for trial. The Foshan Public Security Bureau is currently preparing relevant materials and plans to hold a press conference in the near future to inform the relevant case.

  Foshan police:

  A press conference will be held to inform the case.

  Yesterday evening, the reporter contacted Wu Jinning, the current deputy director of Foshan Public Security Bureau, who was in charge of investigating the case at that time. He told the reporter that the Foshan Public Security Bureau is actively studying the relevant case and the Public Security Bureau is preparing to hold a press conference to announce the situation at an appropriate time.

  According to a police insider, Cheng Ruilong is from Guangdong, because he killed two Foshan policemen, and the case will be handed over to Foshan police. At present, all the old policemen who participated in the battle 12 years ago have received orders from their superiors to actively prepare relevant materials, including the case at that time.

  Case review

  Kidnapping Nanhai boss

  According to the police officer Chen who was involved in the arrest at that time, in the summer of 1995, when Cheng Ruilong came to Foshan, Guangdong Province to find friends to play, he found that Li Hua (a pseudonym), the owner of Nanhai, who was engaged in refrigeration business, was rich. On the same day, he discussed with three friends, "It is better to kidnap Li Hua and get some money."

  Later, Cheng Ruilong and his friends followed Li Hua home. As soon as Li Huagang opened the door, Cheng Ruilong and other four people rushed in to control Li Hua, his wife and children, and then found more than 10,000 Hong Kong dollars and US dollars in his home. Cheng Ruilong thinks that the money is too little, so he wants Li Hua to take another 300,000 yuan, or he will kill his family. But Li Hua said that there was only 200,000 yuan. After 30 minutes, Li Hua took 200,000 yuan from the frozen shop and gave it to Cheng Ruilong and others.

  One hour after the incident, one of Cheng Ruilong’s associates was arrested, and another was shot dead on the spot for resisting arrest. Cheng Ruilong fled to Guangxi, and then committed many crazy crimes in Guangxi, Chongqing and Jiangxi.

  Kill two patrolmen

  At 7: 30 pm on May 12, 1997, Jiang Minghua, the third squad leader of the second squadron of the first brigade of the patrol detachment city, took Deng Yongjian to perform plainclothes pre-crouching on the section of National Highway 325.

  At 10 pm, Jiang Minghua and Deng Yongjian prepared to withdraw as planned. Just as they were turning from National Highway 325 to Qinren West Road in the city, through the dim street lamp, they suddenly found two men acting suspiciously on the sidewalk of the bustling Bai Yan Park, one of whom was Cheng Ruilong. At the moment when the two men came forward to conduct an investigation, the gangsters who saw the bad situation suddenly pulled out their pistols from their trouser pockets and shot at Jiang Minghua and Deng Yongjian. They died after being shot. A policeman who came to support later was also shot and injured.

  Crime-ridden Cheng Ruilong

  Cheng Ruilong, male, 36 years old, lives in Fudong Management District, Dalubian Town, Lianzhou City, Guangdong Province. He has a grumpy personality since he was a child and has been playing with some "gangsters" nearby for a long time. In 1993, he was re-educated through labor in Foshan for two years for theft. He has been on the run since the kidnapping case in 1995. In the summer of 1997, Cheng Ruilong returned to Foshan again. When the police found something suspicious, they went forward to check it. Without the police being prepared at all, Cheng Ruilong shot and killed two policemen, Jiang Minghua and teammate Deng Yongjian.

  In 2001, the Ministry of Public Security issued an A-level wanted order for the whole country, wanted Cheng Ruilong, a fugitive suspected of armed robbery and murder. At that time, the wanted order said that Cheng Ruilong had committed six armed robberies and murders with others in Zhaoqing, Foshan, Guilin and Chongqing from 1996 to 1999, killing seven people and injuring two others, and had been absconding ever since.

  In 2005, Cheng Ruilong was arrested for robbery and sentenced to seven years in prison. Cheng Ruilong used the pseudonym "Zhou Quan", and other criminal facts were not exposed at that time. Since then, he has been serving his sentence in a prison in Jiangxi Province.

  The police investigating the case recalled that Deng Yongjian, who died, had just entered the police camp and had not worn a gun.

  "It has been 12 years. I received instructions from my superiors at 9 o’clock that night. All our patrolmen were armed and on standby, and then searched the city, but unfortunately I couldn’t catch him." Chen Jianxin, the deputy commander of the Eighth Brigade of the Criminal Police Detachment of Foshan Public Security Bureau, told the reporter that all the policemen who knew this matter were old policemen, and he still remembered the case vividly. At about 8 pm on May 12, 1997, Jiang Minghua, two comrades-in-arms of his patrol detachment, and Deng Yongjian, a teammate, were ordered to crouch near Bai Yan Park in Chancheng District, that is, Qinren West Road. At that time, the two of them found Cheng Ruilong suspicious. "They went up and checked without knowing that the suspect had a gun." Captain Chen said that Deng Yongjian had just entered the police camp and had not worn a gun. I didn’t expect the suspect to shoot just after going up to check, and the young Deng Yongjian died on the spot. Later, another comrade-in-arms, Jiang Minghua, was also shot in the struggle with the gangsters.

  "Jiang Minghua was rescued in the hospital for many days, but he still couldn’t save his life. My two comrades-in-arms sacrificed like this." Chen Jianxin and other comrades-in-arms received an order one hour after the incident, armed to the teeth to search around the crime scene, but still failed to catch the suspect.

  "(Cheng Ruilong is going to be escorted back) I learned the news on June 1, when there was a meeting and everyone was very excited. It has been 12 years." Chen Jianxin told reporters that the information came from the Jiangxi police at that time, and all the police were very excited, and at the same time, they felt very heavy, because it brought back a memory. However, Cheng Ruilong’s arrest finally comforted his comrades in the sky, and he could also give the public an account. The justice of the sky is long and the net is not leaking.

  Extended reading

  Hiding one’s name in prison

  Four years later, it happened.

  According to the Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, on May 21st, the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Department immediately deployed the criminal investigation technical department of the whole province to conduct an investigation after receiving the notification from the Ministry of Public Security on the investigation of Cheng Ruilong, a major fugitive. Three days later, Nie Nianming, a policeman of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Nanchang Public Security Bureau, made repeated inquiries through the online information system, and initially determined that "Zhou Quan" who was serving his sentence in a prison in Jiangxi was the same person as Cheng Ruilong, a Class A wanted criminal of the Ministry of Public Security. After repeated examination by criminal investigation experts of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Department, it was finally confirmed that "Zhou Quan" was Cheng Ruilong, a murderous maniac who had absconded for 13 years. Subsequently, the police took it away for further examination. After the trial, Cheng Ruilong confessed to his criminal facts.

  During the trial, the police learned that Cheng Ruilong was re-educated through labor for theft for two years in Foshan, Guangdong Province in 1993. He has been on the run since the kidnapping case in 1995. "At first, he said nothing." Police said that after six hours of trial, Cheng Ruilong’s psychological defense line completely collapsed. Until 10 o’clock on June 1, Cheng Ruilong truthfully confessed the whole process of committing the crime.

  According to Jiangxi police, Cheng Ruilong said that he knew that he had committed a murder, and if he was caught, he would be sentenced to death, so he dared not go home, hid in hiding, changed several names and traveled a lot, and finally settled in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province and hid in anonymity.

  On January 18th, 2005, Cheng Ruilong was arrested by Jiangxi police for robbery with others and sentenced to 7 years’ imprisonment. At this time, Cheng Ruilong used the transformation method, changed his name, and used the pseudonym of "Zhou Quan" when he was in prison. At that time, he did not reveal other criminal facts for various reasons. After that, he was put into two prisons in Jiangxi Province to serve his sentence, until the incident broke out.

  The Ministry of Public Security issued a wanted order.

  There is a reward of 50,000 for Cheng Ruilong.

  In 2001, the Ministry of Public Security issued an A-level wanted order to the whole country, and published Cheng Ruilong’s information in detail. He was born in Hanchong Village, Pudong Management District, Dalubian Town, Lianzhou City, Guangdong Province, on January 10, 1973. He used to be alias "Jackie Chan, Huanglong, AARON Li, He Moshi and libing" and had a mole (removed) on the right side of his nose, but he did not disclose his pseudonym of "Zhou Quan". From June, 1996 to April, 1999, he committed six armed robberies and homicides in Zhaoqing, Foshan, Guilin and Chongqing, Guangdong, killing seven people and injuring two others before fleeing.

  According to the wanted order of the Ministry of Public Security, 50,000 yuan will be awarded to informants who have found clues and units and individuals who have made meritorious arrests.

Editor: Li Erqing