Batteries, thumbtacks, plastic sticks … Do you believe it? These are all foreign bodies in the child!


Batteries, thumbtacks, plastic sticks … Do you believe it? These are all foreign bodies in the child!

  Cctv news: (Reporter Kang Yanlong) On September 10, 2018, a 4-year-old boy was killed by food in a kindergarten in Yiyang, Hunan.

  On September 23, 2018, a 4-year-old boy from Shengze, Jiangsu Province swallowed a one-dollar coin by mistake, and his family sent him to the emergency department of Jiaxing First Hospital with symptoms such as dysphagia and vomiting.

  On March 5, 2019, a 3-year-old child in Suining, Sichuan, accidentally ate a tablet called "potassium permanganate" while playing at home.

  … …

  Can you believe it? These things in the picture above are some foreign bodies taken out of children by hospitals in recent years! Generally speaking, children often eat glass balls and toys, as well as needles and threads. "As long as he can find things, there are cigarette butts and coins picked on the ground. The youngest is eight months old and the oldest is close to three years old. " Li Long, chief physician of general surgery of Capital Institute of Pediatrics, told CCTV reporter.

  "If you catch something, put it in your mouth, or see what adults eat, they also want to eat." Children’s strong curiosity makes parents really "headache". In the face of children’s endless "swallowing", how should parents scientifically prevent and respond in their daily lives?

  "Up to four hours! Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable. "

  In the early morning of April 22, 2019, doctors from the Capital Institute of Pediatrics were performing an operation — — A 2-year-old boy was diagnosed with esophagotracheal fistula and pneumonia because he swallowed the battery, and the situation was very serious. Not long ago, the boy had a major operation for swallowing a button cell, which was his second operation within a month.

  It is understood that the boy was discovered by his parents more than 10 hours after swallowing the battery by mistake: "At that time, it was found that the toy was missing a battery, and it was suspected that it might be eaten by the child by mistake." Immediately, the parents sent him to the local hospital, but the doctors in the local hospital did not pay special attention to it. "Take a plain film of the chest and you will see a foreign body in the chest immediately, but it was missed by the local doctor." Attending doctor Li Long said.

  After such a delay of 15 hours, the child began to have symptoms such as vomiting, pain and fever, and the parents realized the seriousness of the problem. It was not until March 29 that the operation was completed and the battery was taken out.

  After the first operation, the doctor asked the child to abstain from food and water because of stomach infection caused by battery leakage. On April 2, the boy began to have choking symptoms after drinking water. After being diagnosed by a doctor, he was diagnosed as esophagotracheal fistula and pneumonia, and then he underwent a second operation.

  "The actual removal is very easy. Modern gastroscopes, esophagoscopes and other equipment are very advanced, and foreign bodies are easy to take out. However, when this child took out foreign bodies, serious sequelae have occurred and the battery leaked." Li Long said: "It is not uncommon for children to swallow button batteries. Most of them were taken out in time and did not cause great damage. However, the boy suffered from pathological changes after surgery, and the situation was more serious."

  The gap between the batteries is coated with glue and other connecting substances. After being swallowed by children, it will soon dissolve under the action of saliva, leading to battery leakage. Generally, acidic substances will leak in four hours, and inferior batteries will take less time.

  In Li Long’s view, once a child is found to have swallowed foreign objects such as batteries, he should not hesitate to seek medical treatment immediately, otherwise, it will lead to serious consequences and even death. "If you swallow the battery by mistake for up to four hours, it may be life-threatening if you grow a child."

  "It’s not all right to take out the foreign body."

  "I met such a child. After the parents found out, on the way to the hospital, the child suddenly burst blood vessels. Under the strong acid of this battery, the blood vessels were corroded." Li Long has been a doctor for 30 years and has encountered two cases of sudden death of such children. "Another child swallowed the battery by mistake a day ago, and the symptoms of pain, fever and vomiting were very serious. During the examination, the child suddenly sprayed blood through his nose and mouth, and there was no way to cure it. Seeing that the child’s heartbeat was gone for more than ten minutes." After the leakage of battery acid, the esophagus was corroded first, then the trachea was corroded, forming a serious tracheoesophageal fistula, and then seriously invading the internal carotid artery of human body to both sides.

  Unlike the usual swallowing of coins, toys and other things, batteries are more harmful to children’s health. Coins and other things are just a mechanical obstruction and oppression to the body, while batteries are very special, with a layer of metal outside and a strong acidic substance inside, which is very toxic. After the leak, the child’s stomach and esophagus will soon corrode and die under stimulation.

  "Once this fistula occurs, children will eat and drink water directly into the lungs, causing severe cough, followed by severe pneumonia."

  Li Long told reporters: "This child is lucky. If the corrosion is serious, the consequences will be unimaginable. The child may suddenly lead to the rupture of the internal carotid artery or the rupture of the aorta, and it is too late to rescue."

  As of the date of publication, CCTV reporter learned that the child has been discharged from the hospital. "The tracheoesophageal fistula has grown, and this is just the first level." Ye Mao, a general surgeon at the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, told the reporter that the current state of the child is better than expected, and the first level has passed. There may be a series of difficulties to be overcome in the future, such as recurrence of esophagotracheal fistula, esophageal stenosis and tracheal stenosis … …

  "Things that choke the trachea are more dangerous."

  One to three years old, but in the opinion of relevant experts, the most dangerous period is within one to three years old.

  Children at this stage have their own activity ability, but they have no self-control. Don’t know the danger, don’t know what to eat and what not to eat. If parents don’t take care of them a little, their children may be in danger. Therefore, within the age of three, our parents or nursing staff are required to be extra careful with their children.

  The duty of a doctor is to race against time. At the press conference held in National Health Commission on January 25th this year, Gao Hengmiao, an expert from the Department of Critical Care Medicine of National Children’s Medical Center and Beijing Children’s Hospital, demonstrated the relevant methods of first aid for children after swallowing foreign bodies.

  Li Long, chief physician of general surgery department of Capital Institute of Pediatrics, believes that once a child is found to have taken a foreign body by mistake, especially a battery, he should go to the hospital immediately, regardless of whether he has or suspects it. The doctor should first take a chest X-ray and have a fluoroscopy, so that it can be completely ruled out. If it is found that it has been taken out in time, we should race against time, don’t wait, can’t wait, and pay special attention to it.

  At the press conference held in National Health Commission on January 25th this year, Gao Hengmiao, an expert from the Department of Critical Care Medicine of National Children’s Medical Center and Beijing Children’s Hospital, demonstrated the relevant methods of first aid for children after swallowing foreign bodies.

  In Gao Hengmiao’s view, things that choke the trachea are more dangerous.

  "The first situation is that this thing is relatively small, and it enters the trachea. At this time, the child has something in his mouth, which is mainly manifested as sudden coughing. If this thing is slightly larger, it may be accompanied by difficulty in breathing, difficulty breathing, and even a blue face. This situation often suggests that this thing has entered the trachea. At this time, it may not be handled at home, and it should be handled by a doctor as soon as possible.

  Another situation is a foreign body in the throat. For example, when eating grapes and jelly, the child will suddenly suffocate. In this case, on-site rescue is very important. "

  How to judge?

  First, all of a sudden, the child was silent, and his eyes were very frightened. He coughed but couldn’t make a sound.

  Second, soon lost consciousness, coma, and soon stopped heartbeat.

  This situation depends on the size of the child for on-site treatment, and parents should master the treatment methods.

  If the child is very young, under one year old, and you can hold it with your hands, find a place where you can sit firmly at home, and quickly lift the child up with one hand, let him face down, put his trunk on your arm, with his head down and his ass high, and pat him hard on the shoulder area of his back with the other hand. Don’t feel bad at this time. The harder you push, the greater the possibility that this thing will come out.

  If an older child, if the child is still awake, can stand still, hold him from behind, let him face forward, and stick his body tightly to you. Put a fist in one hand under the mouth of the child’s heart, and feel that there is a bone under the chest. This is the place where the stomach is, and the other hand clenched his fist and pressed it hard. At this time, don’t worry about other problems, press hard, and then rush up by the gas in the stomach and lungs to flush things out.

  In any way. Once the child has a little reaction, open his mouth and have a look at it. If you can see this thing, take it out quickly. If you can’t see it, don’t start to dig a foreign body in your mouth, because when you dig, you may poke something in. The more you poke it, the more you can’t get out. If you can’t see it, follow the original method and try to discharge the foreign matter. This is about a foreign body in the throat.


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